Does Istio support having multiple ingress controller services, especially when configured using istioctl manifest generate -f ... with a IstioOperator file specifying multiple items under ingressGateway?
I think I need to have two separate ingress controller services, so I can add different annotations to their Service objects so I can configure their (AWS) load balancers differently. (I need one to be internal and the other to be external.)
When I try to generate K8s manifests as above (with two ingresses), I get two Deployment objects each of whose label selector seems to match both Deployments’ pods, not just its own pods). (There’s something different between the pods’ labels in the Deployments’ pod templates, but there’s nothing different in the labels in the Deployments’ label selectors.) That is, it looks like both Deployments will think they own/manage each pod.
@Crayeth I have a similar setup to the one you mentioned. I also want to put the ingress.class annotation to my ingress object and specify which controller to process it. Currently there is only the istio class, how can I have an istio-internal class for example?