Problems when i am trying add components kiali, grafana and prometheus in Istio version 18.0

Hi everyOne;
I have some problems when trying to configure istio version 1.80 in a kubernetes cluster with grafana and prometheus components. which are not integrated by default .

the error is:
./istioctl manifest apply --set profile=demo --set addonComponents.kiali.enabled=true–set addonComponents.kiali.enabled=true
Error: accepts 0 arg(s), received 1
the question is:
What is the command I need to be able to add components in this version of istio?

Many many thanks,

Can’t use istioctl anymore to install the addons - the addons have been removed from istioctl. See integrations for instructions on how to do it now: Istio / Integrations

Here’s the blog that talked about it - Istio / Reworking our Addon Integrations

hi everyOne .,
Many many thanks, I was able to integrate the components. Now when I try to lift the kiali dasboarde it gives me this error and I don’t know why

istioctl dashboard kiali →
Unable to listen on port 20001: Listeners failed to create with the following errors: [unable to create listener: Error listen tcp4 bind: address already in use unable to create listener: Error listen tcp6 [::1]:20001: socket: address family not supported By protocol]
Failed to open browser; open http://localhost:45751/kiali in your browser.

kiali is supposed to be already integrated, as are grafana and prometheus. I don’t understand why it won’t let me run the dashboard

Thanks a lot .

You have something running on your machine listening to port 20001, which is the port “istioctl dashboard kiali” expects Kiali to be listening on (which it is, by default) … see? →

Find out what you are running locally listening to that port, kill it, and then retry.

hi ,
Hi ,
I have tried to find what is running on that port and I only see it listen I do not see anything else in use.
lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN | grep 20001
istioctl 17235 root 9u IPv4 135567609 0t0 TCP (LISTEN)

./istioctl dashboard kiali
Unable to listen on port 20001: Listeners failed to create with the following errors: [unable to create listener: Error listen tcp4 bind: address already in use unable to create listener: Error listen tcp6 [::1]:20001: socket: address family not supported by protocol]
Failed to open browser; open http://localhost:44925/kiali in your browser.

lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN | grep 44925
istioctl 121092 root 9u IPv4 137093807 0t0 TCP (LISTEN

netstat -tulpn | grep 20001
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 17235/./istioctl

netstat -a -o -n | grep 20001
tcp 0 0* LISTEN off (0.00/0/0)


hi everyOne,
Please ,forgive me , but I can’t solve kiali, it gives me an error and I don’t know where to look…

any help ? why it does not work ?

Many many thanks ,

@hookers it’s been some time your question has gone unanswered. I hope you found the solution by yourself. From the lsof exit you sent, you already had an istioctl dashboard kiali running on another terminal.

Hi Sergio,
you can now configure the external components. But let me explain, I have 2 environments. In one of them I have installed Istio with grafana and prometheus and kiali and in the other I also have grafana and prometheus. But the question is. Why have these two repeated? That is why I try from 1 of the environments to configure the external url to not have 2 configurations for each environment.

my problem is that although I configure the external url in kiali, when I go to grafana I only see the nodes of this environment and I do not see the other environment.
