Just curious if there are plans to create a UX working group as a peer to the other eight or if this is meant to be just a topic on the discussion board?
I’d like to start an every-two-week meeting similar to the other working groups. I have been having trouble finding a time that works for everyone. Here is the meeting schedule for the working groups. I was considering Tuesday for UX. Please respond here if you are interested in participating and have a preference or conflict.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9:30 PST Perf
10am Steering Env Config Tech Oversight
11am Test/Rel Policies Networking
1pm UX? Security
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What time zone are those times?
Pacific (PST). Edited post.
I’m ok with the proposed time - Tuesday 1pm PST / 4pm EST
Tuesdays at 1pm PST works for me.
Tuesdays at 4:00PM EST works for me.
Tuesday, 1:00 PST +1
Tuesday, 1:00 PST +1
Tuesdays at 1pm PST works for me too.