Couldnt setup the multiple cluster service mesh

Hi everyone,
so i am using kubectl version as

Client Version: v1.23.4
Server Version: v1.25.6+k3s1

using istio-version as 1.17.1

I did tried the primary-remote deployments model, followed as the guide
verifying the installation the helloworld version=v1 is working fine
while the helloworld version=v2 deployments is not in ready state as i
check the logs of replicasets for version=v2 it says it couldnt find the
crds, as i have to install the operator
tried the multi-primary deployments model, followed as the guide,
installed istio-operator in both clusters, while verifying the
the helloworld version=v1 and helloworld version=v2 are working fine but as per the guide
if i run this command

kubectl exec --context=“${CTX_CLUSTER1}” -n sample -c sleep
“$(kubectl get pod --context=”${CTX_CLUSTER1}" -n sample -l
app=sleep -o jsonpath=‘{.items[0]}’)"
– curl -sS helloworld.sample:5000/hello

versions are not toggling between v1 and v2 , the response is only
coming from v1 if i run the command in cluster1 and response is coming
from v2, if i run command in cluster2
i tried the other deployments models with same network and
multiple-networks but am getting same error, that the versions are not
toggling between v1 and v2
can anyone help me find the solution