Istio ingress and AWS ALB idle timeout


We run istio 1.0.6 with Ingress configured as NodePort, we also have ALB configured for those ports. After about 24 hours or --conntrack-tcp-timeout-established timeout configured in kube-proxy settings we’re getting 502 errors on the ALB. It happens due to non graceful tcp connection termination by conntrack module that kube-proxy configures. The only option I found on how to fix it is to patch istio pilot to configure idle_timeout of the ingress. Unfortunately istio does not expose it.

Does anyone use istio with ALB? If yes, how do you deal with those timeouts? Is there a configuration I’m missing on how to configure it?

There is no configuration as of now. but its relatively easy to add in the mesh config

I’d be happy to contribute. Something like google.protobuf.Duration ingress_idle_timeout = 37; in MeshConfig of config.proto?

http_idle_timeout… it would apply globally across all connections (edge and internal)

Would http_idle_timeout apply to http2 connection? If so, i think it’s not user expected.

@rshriram I submitted the following PR:

Please note there is a similar one already: