Kiali-operator v1.36.0 grafana istio-dashboards "view in Grafana" link is not available

istio: 1.10.2 kiali-operator 1.36.0
kiali_cr :

      discovery_auto_threshold: 10
      discovery_enabled: auto
      enabled: true
      is_core: false
      namespace_label: kubernetes_namespace
        insecure_skip_verify: true
        password: ****
        type: basic
        username: admin
      - name: Istio Service Dashboard
          namespace: var-namespace
          service: var-service
      - name: Istio Workload Dashboard
          namespace: var-namespace
          workload: var-workload
      - name: Istio Control Plane Dashboard
      - name: Istio Mesh Dashboard
      - name: Istio Performance Dashboard
      enabled: true
      in_cluster_url: http://grafana.monitoring.svc.cluster.local

Above config works with kiali v1.35.0

It is best when you have a problem with Kiali server to provide details like:

  • What error messages are you seeing in the UI?
  • What error messages are you seeing in the kiali server pod logs?
  • Are there any other (info? debug?) log messages in the kiali server pod logs that look relevant? If so, what are they?

@ jmazzitelli
No Any error messages, in UI , not in kiali pod logs nothing.
Kiali has no any problems. BUT in the Kiali UI workloads Tab: Inbound Metrics Link : View in Grafana missing.

Below screenshot is from the kiali version: v1.35.0


Can you turn on debug in the server (edit the Kiali CR to set log level to debug), and after the server pod restarts see what messages you get surrounding the grafana detection?

See: kiali-operator/kiali_cr.yaml at ced1c891de19b1b4331a7b1846751fcac50339bc · kiali/kiali-operator · GitHub

kiali pods debug log … contains nothing about Grafana

2021-07-21T07:26:45Z INF Kiali: Version: v1.36.1, Commit: eb339f1900d8f7d019a727d46cfc754f1009508a

2021-07-21T07:26:45Z DBG Kiali: Command line: [/opt/kiali/kiali -config /kiali-configuration/config.yaml]
2021-07-21T07:26:45Z DBG Reading YAML config from [/kiali-configuration/config.yaml]
2021-07-21T07:26:45Z DBG Custom dashboards [count=20, enabled=true]: envoy,go,kiali,micrometer-1.0.6-jvm,micrometer-1.0.6-jvm-pool,micrometer-1.1-jvm,microprofile-1.1,microprofile-x.y,nodejs,quarkus,springboot-jvm,springboot-jvm-pool,springboot-tomcat,thorntail,tomcat,vertx-client,vertx-eventbus,vertx-jvm,vertx-pool,vertx-server
2021-07-21T07:26:45Z INF Using authentication strategy [openid]
2021-07-21T07:26:45Z INF Kiali: Console version: 1.36.1
2021-07-21T07:26:45Z INF Server endpoint will start at [:20001/kiali]
2021-07-21T07:26:45Z INF Server endpoint will serve static content from [/opt/kiali/console]
2021-07-21T07:26:45Z INF Starting Metrics Server on [:9090]
2021-07-21T07:35:13Z DBG The AES cookie is mising.
2021-07-21T07:35:23Z INF Not handling OpenId code flow authentication: No nonce code present. Login window timed out.
2021-07-21T07:35:23Z DBG Rest perf config QPS: 175.000000 Burst: 200
2021-07-21T07:35:23Z INF Kiali Cache is active for namespaces [.*]
2021-07-21T07:35:23Z DBG Rest perf config QPS: 175.000000 Burst: 200
2021-07-21T07:35:23Z DBG Rest perf config QPS: 175.000000 Burst: 200
2021-07-21T07:35:23Z DBG Rest perf config QPS: 175.000000 Burst: 200
2021-07-21T07:35:23Z DBG Rest perf config QPS: 175.000000 Burst: 200
2021-07-21T07:35:23Z INF [Prom Cache] Enabled
2021-07-21T07:35:23Z DBG Rest perf config QPS: 175.000000 Burst: 200
2021-07-21T07:35:23Z DBG Detected Istio version [1.10.2-25c4362d87b9946d6b59d39bf21c6c8a192d060f-Clean]
2021-07-21T07:35:24Z INF Waiting for Kiali cache for [namespace: istio-system] to sync
2021-07-21T07:35:24Z INF Kiali cache for [namespace: istio-system] started
2021-07-21T07:35:24Z INF Waiting for Kiali cache for [namespace: ratelimit] to sync
2021-07-21T07:35:24Z INF Kiali cache for [namespace: ratelimit] started

@ jmazzitelli
kiali GUI workloads in/outbound metrics tab link to “View in Grafana” Link is available now in version 1.39.0.
Thank you.