View pending job logs directly in prow


Presubmit and other job logs can now display directly in prow, including when they are still running. URLs, for example:

One benefit of the new system is that you can view partial logs for jobs that are still running.

You can find the new links by navigating to and clicking on the eye icon next to the job name.

Soon this will become the default option, which means that when you click the details link on github it will take you to prow’s log viewer. For now the new page will include a link to the old system, although this functionality in the old system is deprecated and no longer maintained.

prow’s oncall team

FYI this is live:

  • the details link for new github status contexts should now take you to prow’s spyglass log viewer.
  • the job link at will also take you to spyglass

Note spyglass will now show logs for still running jobs.

See for more details.

Thanks again!