What is the difference between istio/istio and istio/installer?


I wanted to use Stackdriver Trace instead of my local Zipkin. I followed some examples from Google Cloud Platform (like https://github.com/istio/installer/blob/8eedd0d0bc87d641a8ae2a29ec7bf7358adc7871/istio-telemetry/mixer-telemetry/values.yaml) but it seems the settings about Stackdriver (mixer.adapters.stackdriver.enable) are not taken in account even on Istio v1.4.3

I took a look at the Mixer Helm chart inside the repo istio/istio and doesn’t seem to manage the stackdriver object.

Anyone has an idea how I can manage that? Should I deal with the repo istio/installer directly?

Thank you,

EDIT: note that I applied file for the Stackdriver Adapter:
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/istio-samples/master/stackdriver-metrics/istio-stackdriver-metrics.yaml

It seems now I’m getting some metrics inside Stackdriver Metrics Explorer :slight_smile: . So I’m wondering: does the settings I put was needed, or just setup the Adapter?

On the other hand, I’m not able to see traces :frowning_face:

To answer the title question, istio/installer is a new set of charts that are intended to be more production (rather than demo) oriented. These were introduced in 1.4 in the istioctl and operator install paths and will replace the current istio/istio charts in 1.5.
I’m not sure about your specific chart question - you may want to change the topic title to get attention from the right folks.

I am wondering why do you think istio v1.4.3 does not take into account of those options? By running istioctl manifest apply --set values.mixer.adapters.stackdriver.enabled=true --set values.mixer.adapters.stackdriver.tracer.enabled=true you should be able to get Stackdriver tracing set up.