Announcing Istio 1.4 Testing Events

Today is the first testing event. The link to the spreadsheet is above. If you have an issue with accessing or editing the spreadsheet let us know during the call, or post here.

A few things:

  • Create a column for yourself by entering your id in the next empty column on row 5.
  • Try and start with the higher priority items (P0 is highest priority)
  • The red/green fields are calculated. You don’t need to edit those cells.
  • Put an x under your id if you are testing that row.
  • If there is a problem with the page, create an issue/PR, and replace the x with the URL
  • Once the issue/PR is fixed, or there are no issues, replace the x/URL withe done
  • If you can, also look at the page to see if there is some automated testing that can be done. If the page is strictly text/pictures and no code snippets, you can mark the column N/A. If you feel that testing is needed and can help create the tests, see the README for information on how to create a test. When the test is ready, submit the PRs (one for istio/istio and one for iostio/ Once they are merged, then mark the AUTOMATED column Done
  • Issue with Helm 2.15.0: =>
    Use prior version of Helm.
    Helm 2.15.1 works.